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Charlie Osgood Owes me an Umbrella

This morning, from my bedside, I watched CBS Sunday Morning as I do many Sundays, and on this particular Sunday, Charlie Osgood was telling me about an art exhibition at the National Gallery of Art on the British painter, a Mr. Turner, who supposedly, was one of Britain's best painters. I casually asked "would you like to go?" and the next thing I knew, I was washed, dressed, and out the door on the way to Starbucks. Yes, and from there, to Washington, D.C. Turner Exhibit Our Osgood adventure had us stop at Springfield to get the Metro train. Metro DC When we emerged near the museums, it was raining. Damn you, Charles Osgood! I swore, now cold and wet. It was quite a trek to the NGA. By the time we made it, I was chilled, breathing deeply, and soaking wet. We hadn't brought an umbrella nor any kind of hats. When we got inside, there was quite a line to see this art by the so-called Turner. Upon exiting, we took a taxi in the (now more robust) rain to the subway. I had originally desired to eat in the city, but now that it was still raining, that was out. Metro Map Back to Springfield, and back on a stuck I-95 drive home. Now, I'm home, dry, and warm, listening to some Buxtehude. Was Turner worth it? Well, not really, but it was good to know that Charlie could get me out of bed and send me on a little adventure. And with two servings of Chinese food today, I'm set for the week. Happy New Year.